So the Garden Networks at Festival der Regionen coming this week! See invite of our curator Davide Bevilaqua:
Hello friends from the institute of media & kunstuni Linz,
in these sunny days make sure you join the program of the Festival der Regionen, opening this friday 23rd June!
here a couple of sneak peek for you!
(make sure to register for the events workshops -> limited seats!)
Festival der Regionen
High Times
in the region along the Summerauerbahn FESTIVAL OPENING ++++
23.06 // at 12PM & 16PM
4-part opening tour from Linz main station to Horni Dvoriste
with performances from Tangible Music Lab and many other fellow uni colleagues.
register here: Workshop sneak peek ++++
Sarah Katharina Eder & David Kapl, Hypertaste (Happening, Sound & Taste, Workshop)
+Sat, 24.06 | (9:30) 11:00 - 19:00 @Festival Zone -> register here!, various workshops about human and organic networks // Sat, 24.6. 11.00-13.00 @Freistadt / Stadtgraben // Garden Networks * zine release & reading club (reading, discussing, introducing online networks)
Sat, 24.6 15:30-17:30 Performance
Sun, 25.6. 11.00-13.00 @Freistadt / Stadtgraben // Garden Networks Garden Networks Roots & soil research workshop
Sat, 01.07 | 13:00 - 15:00 @Cafe Kowalski Hauptstraße 3 4210 Gallneukirchen // Garden Networks * Library box reading club
S()fia Braga, Manifesting Earthly Survival // Thu, 29.6.23 15:00-17:00, @Steyregg Lagerhaus –> register here:
Sat, 01.07.23 10:30-12:30, @Gallneukirchen, Café Kowalski –> register here: many more!
check the full program at
Please share this over your networks
&& see you at FdR! :)